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Proposed Service Adjustments







Proposed Service Adjustments


Notice is hereby given that Public Hearings have been scheduled to consider the following proposals to modify service on the following routes:


  • 305 Grand River – extend current route from Farmington Hills through Novi to Wixom. 
  • 400 Southfield/Orchard Ridge – discontinue route.
  • 430 Main Street - operate peak service only.  
  • 450/462 Woodward/FAST – operate new service in Bloomfield Hills.
  • 492 Rochester Road – new route on Rochester Road from Troy through Rochester to Auburn Hills.
  • 740 Twelve Mile – extend current route from Farmington Hills through Novi to Wixom.
  • 759 Highland Road – new route from Auburn Hills through Pontiac, Waterford and White Lake Twp. along M-59.
  • 790 Pontiac Perry/Opdyke – modify current route to better serve Pontiac and Auburn Hills.
  • 805 Grand River P&R – extend current service from Farmington Hills to Novi.
  • 851 W. Bloomfield/Farmington Hills P&R – extend current route from W. Bloomfield through Orchard Lake, Keego Harbor and Sylvan Lake via Orchard Lake Road.
  • 760 Thirteen Mile/Fourteen Mile - discontinue route on Saturdays only.
  • 796 Pontiac Perry/Opdyke – discontinue route on Saturdays only.



Public Hearing – Monday, May 15, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

Oakland University Oakland Center – Gold Room

312 Meadow Brook Rd.

Rochester, MI  48309


Public Hearing – Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

The Hawk - Farmington Hills Community Center – 3rd Floor

29995 W 12 Mile Rd,

Farmington Hills, MI 48334


Public Hearing – Thursday, May 18, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

Berkley City Hall – Council Chambers

3338 Coolidge Hwy.

Berkley, MI 48072


SMART will host a virtual community engagement session on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Please click here to join the meeting at 5:00pm Thursday. The PowerPoint presentation can be viewed here at any time. 


An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be made available if SMART is contacted seven (7) days prior to the public hearings. Comments will also be accepted by telephone via Michigan Relay: 711 or calling 866-962-5515 option #2.


For those unable to attend the meetings, written comments will be accepted through May 18, 2023. Written comments should be addressed to “Public Hearing” and mailed to SMART Administrative Offices, 535 Griswold Street, Suite 600, Detroit, MI 48226.  Comments may also be emailed to


Proposed service change information will be posted on SMART’s website or you may call SMART Customer Care for details at (866) 962-5515, Monday – Friday from 5:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Budget Committee Meeting May 3rd, 2PM

SMART will hold the May 3, 2023, Budget Committee meeting at 2 p.m. at SMART’s Board Room located on the sixth floor of the Buhl Building, 535 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI 48226

Public Participation will only be available for members of the public attending in person or those who email comments per the process outlined below.

All physically present at the meeting must adhere to the following:

  • Please respect anyone needing or choosing to wear a mask.
  • People with symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
  • People who are positive for COVID-19 may not attend the Meeting in person and should access the recording at the YouTube link below.


The agenda can be found on SMART’s website: Directors/Board-Meeting-Schedule

Members of the public may attend in person. The Meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube and available at the following URL:

Members of the public may also submit a written comment to be read during the Public Comment period by emailing by 1:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting.


Requests for reasonable accommodations at SMART require advanced reservations. Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance should contact or 313-223-2110 as soon as possible. If you have difficulties joining the virtual session, contact or 248-419-7912 and we will assist you to the best of our abilities.

Public Comment will proceed as follows:


  • All comments: 3-minute limit per member of the public. Kindly state your name and city of residence.
  • Public comments will be received in the following order:


  • Members of the public who attend in person;
  • Written comments via email. The Board Secretary will read any submitted comments.

SMART Board Meeting Canceled April 27th

The SMART Board of Directors meeting for today, April 27, 2023, at 6 p.m. at Oakland Community College, 2900 Featherstone Road, Auburn Hills, MI, 48326, is CANCELLED.

We ask that our riders and participants please forgive us during this extenuating circumstance, as we rarely cancel our Board meetings.

SMART certainly recognizes the importance of our Board meetings to our riders and participants!

We fully anticipate convening our next SMART Board meeting in Detroit, Buhl Building 535 Griswold Ste. 600 Detroit, MI 48226 on May 25, 2023, at 2:00p.m.

Get Hired On The Spot April 26th-27th

SMART is hosting in-person hiring events. Join us, Wednesday, April 26th 10am-3pm at the Novi Civic Center and Thursday April 27th 10am-3pm at the Southfield Parks and Recreation Center. You will have the opportunity to fill out an application, conduct an interview and get hired the same day. Opportunities for bus operators, mechanics, coach service and shelter attendants and more are available.

Advance applications are available at and encouraged to complete prior to arrival but are not required.

Start your career today with SMART!

SMART Celebrates Earth Day In Royal Oak April 22nd

SMART will be at the Oakland County Earth Day March and Rally, this Saturday April 22nd from 9am-1pm. Stop by our table to learn how SMART is doing our part in reducing our carbon footprint. 

  • One SMART bus potentially eliminates 60 cars on the road
  • SMART continues to add hybrid electric buses to its fleet, reducing carbon emissions
  • Public transportation produces 95% less volatile carbon monoxide and about 50% as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide per passenger per mile
  • SMART recycles 600 tires, 4,224 gallons of anti-freeze and 12,554 gallons of oil (motor and transmission) annually
  • All SMART buses are biodiesel powered

Learn more about our FAST and SMART Flex services and you can plan your trip with us! 

Service Change April 10th

Time & Frequency Changes
for the following routes:

275 Telegraph - Taylor / Tel-Twelve
Minor trip shift on Saturdays

462 FAST Woodward
Weekday frequency change from 25 minutes
to 30 minutes. Stop added at Baldwin & Kennett

510 Van Dyke
Saturday correction to timetables

710 Nine Mile
Weekday frequency change from 30 minutes
to 45 minutes

Verify schedule times on the new schedule look-up.
Don’t forget to call our
Customer Care Representatives for more information.

FAST Routes to Opening Day April 6th



261 FAST Michigan - Eastbound and Westbound


Comerica Park and the Little Caesars Arena (LCA)

  • Deboard at the Woodward/Clifford stop. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.
  • To get to the LCA, transfer to the QLineDDOT Woodward or FAST Woodward 461/462 in Grand Circus Park.
  • DDOT Woodward and FAST Woodward 461/462 deboard at the LCA stop (Temple).
  • QLine deboards at Adelaide street.
  • To return to the Woodward/Clifford stop, board DDOT Woodward and FAST Woodward 461/462 at the LCA stop (Temple) and QLine at Sproat Street.


461/462 FAST Woodward - Southbound


Comerica Park

  • Deboard at Woodward/Clifford. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.


  • Deboard at the LCA stop (Temple).


461/462 FAST Woodward - Northbound


Comerica Park

  • Board at the Grand Circus Park stop.


  • Board at the LCA stop (Temple)


563 FAST Gratiot - Southbound


Comerica Park

  • Deboard at the Spirit Plaza stop.
  • Transfer to the DDOT Woodward or QLine just north of Spirit Plaza.
  • Deboard the DDOT Woodward and QLine at Grand Circus Park. Comerica Park is about 4 blocks north.



  • Deboard at the Spirit Plaza stop.
  • Transfer to the DDOT Woodward or QLine just north of Spirit plaza.
  • DDOT Woodward deboards at Woodward/Winder.
  • QLine deboards at Adelaide street. 


563 FAST Gratiot - Northbound


  • Board DDOT Woodward or FAST Woodward 461/462 at the LCA stop (Temple)
  • Board QLine at Sproat Street.
  • Deboard at Woodward/Larned and transfer to the 563 FAST Gratiot.


And the Winner Is...


We are happy to share that Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) has won a First Place Award in the 2023 AdWheel Awards competition for communications and marketing.

SMART 25+ Bus Wrap. Best Marketing and Communications on Workforce Development - Print Media at the APTA Conference in Las Vegas. 

SMART is happy to continue its efforts in Workforce Development and hiring quality workers at SMART. 

Make your last stop the SMART stop!

Welcome Token Transit

Token Transit App will provide DART regional passes for SMART and DDOT by improving the overall digital ticketing experience for users.

  • The current Dart app, powered by Passport, ends its mobile ticketing functionality by February 28th
  • 24-Hour and 4-Hour passes on both the Dart app and Token Transit app can currently be purchased
  • 31-Day and 7-Day passes can only be bought via the Token Transit app

SMART/DDOT riders are asked to download the Token Transit app and create an account before March 1st and any unused purchased passes in a rider’s
Passport wallet will be transferred to Token Transit by March 1, 2023.

Riders are asked to download the Token Transit app via the Apple or Google Play store

  • Create an account
  • Search Dart Detroit to buy new passes
  • Select My passes to find unused passes

Token Transit will provide tech support at
•    The “Help” section in the app’s settings
•    The FAQ section at
•    Texting (415) 918-6628
•    Calling (415) 918-6536.

Beautify Your Community in 2023!

Every SMART commute starts and ends at a bus stop. When we partner with volunteers in the community, we are able to keep those bus stops safe and clean not only for our riders, but also for the local neighborhood. By adopting a stop in your community, you are able to promote your group or business locally, while supporting public transit.  Your efforts help:

• Stimulate your local economy

• Improve the appearance of your neighborhood

• Generate community pride and receive public recognition for your efforts

• Create a clean, safe and secure bus stop for all riders

When you adopt a stop, we recognize you with an Adopt-A-Stop sign and provide you with an introductory maintenance kit.  As an adoptee, you agree to keep the area clean of trash and to remove snow and ice in the winter for one year. As the eyes and ears in your community, you would call SMART if you see a broken window, missing trash cans or graffiti.  SMART will handle the repair and replacement of any structural items.

Adopt-A-Stop is a great, inexpensive way to support your local economy and provide a safe way for riders who live, work or visit your neighborhood. You will be recognized for your efforts with a personalized sign at the stop, be listed with the other Adopt-A-Stop sponsors on SMART’s website and be recognized through SMART’s social media. 


If you, your business, church, or school are interested in supporting public transportation in your area, please be sure to download and submit the below Adopt-A-Stop Application and Waiver to SMART at, or call (313) 223-2352 for more information. 

AdoptAStop Flyer 

AdoptAStop Waiver



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